Kris Vallotton • Dec 07, 2021

Why It's a Myth You Can't Hear the Voice of God


Every fiber of our being was made to resonate with the voice of God. Yet, so often Believers are confused and confined by the idea that hearing the voice of God is for the exclusive elite or for a private group of privileged people. But, I’d propose it is our divine design not to just hear the voice of God for our life, but to be sanctified solutionaries that carry revolutionary reformation and influential innovations that will impact the generations. You were created to bring transformation in the world through your relationship with God. As my good friend Dano McCollam says, “This is what was accomplished on the cross of Jesus; He forgave you of sin so that He could free you of sin so that He could fill you with the fullness of God so that every son and daughter could know His heart, His thoughts, and His voice.” 

Maybe you know this to be true in your heart, but don’t know how to actualize this in your life? Have you questioned if there is a secret “Hearing God’s Voice Club” that you weren’t invited to, or maybe you question if you weren’t given the gift of knowing his voice? In this week’s episode of Cultural Catalysts I sat down for a conversation with my good friend, prophet, and founder of Prophetic Company, Dano McCollam . We discussed how not being able to hear God’s voice is a myth and Dano shared practical steps to take to begin recognizing and resonating with the voice of God in your life. 

I want to encourage you as you watch this episode that God is unique in His relationship with each one of His children; we cannot compare and contrast the ways in which He speaks. How I hear the voice of God versus how you hear the voice of God may be as different as the night is from the day. But, both are just as powerful and profound and have the ability to reform and resolve the problems of our day and age; leaving a legacy that lives on beyond our time. 



If you desire to be someone who carries insight and interpretation of prophecies, accesses divine brilliance that impacts a whole generation, and provides solutions that could save a nation, the Spiritual Intelligence Institute enrollment is open. Dano and I will be teaching courses that empower you to think beyond the limits of human reasoning by accessing God's thoughts and ideas in real-time, increasing your capacity for spiritual intelligence. 

My prayer for you this week is that you would be inspired and ignited with hope to be a cultural catalyst that partners with Heaven to bring solutions to earth!


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