Kris Vallotton • Aug 10, 2015

Welcome To My Blog

Let me introduce myself: my name is Kris Vallotton. I’m a husband, a dad and a follower of Jesus. To the dismay of some, I have a tendency to say what I am actually thinking. I just have this thing about being authentic. In a way, it feels like I am lying when I am not being myself. I also would rather be right than politically correct.

I’ve been around the block, actually several times. I’ve even crawled around it a couple times. I’ve known the love of a good woman named Kathy for over forty years, and the joy of great kids and grandchildren.


I spent 20 years building businesses, sweating payrolls, scraping and clawing my way through life to compete with ruthless competitors who would stop at nothing to destroy their opponents. I was celebrated as one of the top entrepreneurs in my field. Yet, when the dust cleared and the moving vans were gone, I was left sitting in the rubble of a once thriving enterprise with a $1.6 million debt as a memorial to my hard work, my house and most of my possessions gone.

I grew up in a broken home. My soul has known the pain of heartbreak and betrayal. I have staggered my way through years of abandonment and abuse. I have hid for hours while my stepfather was on another drunken, violent rampage, beating my mother who he locked in their bedroom. Needless to say, I grew up in a culture of intense fear.

I have experienced the humiliation of poverty, and the intense pain of being the only kid on the field with no one cheering for him. I have pleaded for attention and longed to be seen. I was the awkward kid with his hand up that nobody wanted; the young boy who stood by silently, as the cool kids argued over who “had” to have me on their team.

Fear tried to suffocate the life out of me. I’ve been barraged with thoughts that I’m worthless and unlovable. I have often wrestled through the night for the mere right to exist. This battle for my mind was my greatest test and it has become my greatest victory. For years my circumstances were polar opposite of God’s divine call on my life.


BUT I refuse to be crushed by the circumstances of life or be deterred by the opinions of the “experts”. I have decided that my past pain will not dictate my future victories. I was born to win, equipped to shape history, empowered to extend the borders of the Kingdom of God, and redeemed to display the unreasonable love of my King to a desperate and hurting world.


All this pain awakened a great purpose in me. I REALIZE NOW THAT I WAS BORN TO HELP YOU! That’s right, no matter who “YOU” are. You might be a leader of thousands: you wake in the night wondering if you can continue holding things together. Or maybe you’re a mother who spends herself on her family. You lay your head on your pillow every night exhausted from the day, stressed about your children’s future. Or you might be a successful politician, or a famous actor or actress just looking for some like-minded people to connect with.

Whoever you are and whatever you do; I want to help you live fully actualized, completely alive, and radically joyful. You, like me, were born to be successful, happy, and healthy! My prayer is that this blog would inspire you with hope, move you to tears, challenge you to action, and woo you past your fears.

I want to invite you to join me on this journey, to interact with me, to experience life together in some small way, to rejoice together, to mourn together, and to grow together.

May Jesus meet you in my words and may they help to lead you into the palace of your dreams!


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