Kris Vallotton • Jan 18, 2022

The Sacred Call of the Artist


The world needs anointed artists, sanctified storytellers, and prophetic producers to rise to their high call as Heaven’s ambassadors carrying creative brilliance into every craft. Think about the ways that artists have shifted and shaped culture throughout all of history – from King David to Shakespeare to J.R.R. Tolkien. The art of storytelling, whether in music or movement, can impact the lives of generations.

The challenge is, so often in the entertainment industry, whether in acting, music, or producing, performers can become so consumed in their expertise and experience that they end up disregarding their royal identity as sons and daughters of God. The result is that these creative artists end up performing for identity instead of from identity.

Yet I propose that artists are not obligated to perform for the entertainment of man — we see brilliance displayed when an artist shifts from prostituting their gift for the approval and love of men to performing from their royal identity. 

My good friend and co-director of Bethel Conservatory of the Arts, David Noroña says it best: “Artists are not prostitutes; they are prophets that are prophesying through story, movement, and emotion.” The truth is not all prophets look the same; the Lord is not limited to a mold of movement or talent template. Rather, He is the Director of the greatest dynamic and transformative story of all time. 

I’d propose that the world has never been in greater need of whole-hearted artists living out their purpose-filled passions, crafting performances through the prophetic, and changing culture in collaboration with the Master Creator. I recently sat down for a conversation with David Noroña and Fab Altamura, who are both skilled in the craft of acting and producing, but also are brilliant teachers. Through the Bethel Conservatory of the Arts , they are raising up and instructing a generation of artists that will impact society through creative expression from Heaven. 

In this episode of Cultural Catalysts, David, Fab, and I discussed the sacred call of the artist and how Kingdom artists are influencing the entertainment industry. 


I hope as you watch this episode you are filled with the presence of God and inspired to co-labor with God in your craft. Whether you consider yourself creative or not, I’d propose that you are — you have been made in the image of God; the Creator of the whole universe.  

I want to encourage you to press into the presence of God in your process of creation, whether while you are journaling in your quiet time or writing the next Broadway play, ask the Lord to create with you. I’d love to hear in the comments below how you create with God and how it has changed and transformed your life or the lives of others.


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