Kris Vallotton • Jan 18, 2023

Healing the Masculine Soul || A Conversation With John Eldredge


We live in a day and age where the foundations of gender are being questioned, masculinity has become the villain, and identity is a point of confusion. Culture has placed the roles of men and women on the scales of equality and attempted to prove the purpose of one or the other. The truth is, men and the masculinity they carry is desperately needed, yet has been drastically disregarded. But, I’d propose that not only has culture been left to tackle the topic of toxic masculinity, but the Church has not known how to approach the beast of confusion that lies in wait at our doorways, lingering over our children, and whispering lies about who we have been created to be. Yet, the unfortunate truth is masculinity has become a source of scary stigmas rather than an experience of the loving strength of God it was meant to display. In return, many welcome the Jesus who was kind and gentle enough to make friends with little children, yet reject the Jesus who crafted a whip before He turned tables over in the temple.

We love the idea that man is made in the image of God, especially the Lamb that was slain. In fact, in many places, you can be whatever you want as long as it doesn’t resemble the Lion who brings raw strength and power that tramples any foe beneath His feet. But, the truth is if we miss out on the masculine heart of God we also miss out on the masculine heart of man. The cost of diminishing masculinity is too great when the result is a society filled with men who lack identity, purpose, and destiny. The truth of God-given masculinity needs to tear through the resounding rhetoric on the topic of toxic masculinity. Now, let me be clear, not all forms of masculinity are holy, healthy, and healed. I am not trying to disregard the very real pain and betrayal that toxic masculinity has played in society, however, masculinity at its core is not toxic. The Word of the Lord says that God created man in His own image and called it good. God created a clear, powerful purpose for manhood. 


I n this week’s Cultural Catalysts episode, I sat down for a conversation with my good friend John Eldredge . John is the best-selling author of Wild at Heart , a counselor, and a speaker. John has paved the way for the restoration of the masculine soul and mentored and counseled thousands of men into their God-given masculinity through his teachings. In our conversation, John shared insight into what it takes to heal the masculine soul personally and in culture. 

Men, my prayer as you listen to this conversation is that your hearts would be healed and your masculine souls restored which would lead to the restoration of your marriages, families, and culture. And women, I pray that the parts of your hearts that have been hurt or harmed by toxic forms of masculinity would be healed and restored and the loving Father would be close to you.


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