Kris Vallotton • Oct 26, 2021

The Release of the Cultural Catalysts Show || the First Episode


Have you ever longed to be someone that makes a mark, leaves an impact, and transforms the world? Have you ever found yourself disqualifying your ability and disregarding the call of God on your life because of your current circumstances? I understand the deep desire to be a world changer; to be someone that lives filled with purpose and confident in their calling, but uncertain of how it may ever unfold.

The circumstances of my past did not set me up for a life of success. I grew up in a dysfunctional home where I was abused and told how little I was worth. I did not have strong role models in my life or any sense of identity. I did not know God or have a grasp for living for something beyond myself until I was 15 years old when God met me in a moment of desperation and distress. The moment I met the Lord my world began to transform, but it did not wipe away the trials of life.

I married the love of my life, Kathy Vallotton at 20 years old — quickly after I had a nervous breakdown and moved to a tiny mountain town in Northern California. We went from the bright shining lights of a big city to small town thinking and limited opportunities. Nothing about my circumstances screamed “world changer in the making,” but somehow it was everything we needed in that season. Truthfully, amidst our marriage and family’s treasured moments were trials and struggles that molded us and shaped us into the people we are today. It was in the everyday, mundane, even ugly moments of life that the desire rose up in me to become a cultural catalyst; someone that transformed their inner world so they can transform the world around them. 
I have fostered the dream in my heart to see cultural catalysts from all spheres, backgrounds, and generations to gather together and teach, equip, and inspire others to become cultural catalysts – world changers in this day and age. I am excited to announce the release of the very first episode of Cultural Catalysts — a show to teach people to live fully alive, co-labor with God, and change the world. In this first season I wanted to share a bit of Kathy and my story; take you back to where it all began and pull back the curtain of our lives. This first season encompasses so much more than our story, but how history has become HIS tory. 


Whether you are a stay at home mom taking each day as they come, or you’re uncertain how the desire to make an impact could you ever come about, or you’re the CEO of a large company, leading the way in your industry...I’d propose He has made you a cultural catalyst; a world changer, a society shaper. Transforming the world takes so much more than a big platform and a large following — it is the mundane moments in our day that shape the course of history; loving the one in front of you and being Jesus to the world around you. 

I am incredibly excited to share the first Episode of Cultural Catalysts with you:
Where it all Began . I encourage you to tune in to the conversation I had with my beautiful wife Kathy Vallotton about the very early years of our lives and how they shaped and molded us into who we are. I believe that the Lord will minister to you and that you will be encouraged and inspired to transform the world.


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